Customising user email-in

Last updated on Mar 09, 2021

Email-in address format

The email-in address format for each user includes a prefix and a random code.

A random code is automatically added before the @ symbol of the email address to avoid email spammers from guessing the email address, and to also avoid Receipt Stash users accidentally submitting receipts to the wrong account where email-in addresses are too similar.


[prefix].[random code]


Customising your email-in address

Click on the user icon in the top right-hand corner of any page, and then click on User profile in the dropdown list.

User profile menu item

Click on the User Settings tab and then click the Reset Email-In button at the bottom of the form.

User settings tab

Enter an email prefix to customise the prefix portion of your email-in address. If you leave this blank, the prefix from your username will be used.

Click the red Reset button in the bottom right-hand corner of the window to generate a new email-in address. A new random code will be generated for the email-in address each time it's reset.

Confirm reset email-in address

Customising other user's email-in address

If you're an admin user, navigate to Account Admin > Users.

Open a user record by clicking on the green username in the user table, and click the Reset Email-In button at the bottom of the User Details tab.

Optionally enter an email prefix and click the red Reset button in the bottom right-hand corner of the window to generate a new email-in address.

Reset user email-in address